我们希望你已经实现了对人体的成功运作早餐的重要性. 网上有很多关于醒来后第一个小时吃什么喝什么的信息. We will deepen your knowledge a little and tell you how to eat it all to not only benefit from consumed products but also lose excess calories.
很大程度上取决于一天的第一顿饭: 工作能力, mood, 和, 当然, 饱腹感. 这意味着你需要认真对待它! 它的意思是:
If you swallow whole food – you will necessarily eat too much. 在你吞咽食物之前, it should be properly chewed – Japanese researchers at one time were not too lazy to thoroughly check this information. And they came to the conclusion that the difference in weight among “fast” and “slow” eaters consists of an average of 8.8 磅.
而且, 许多科学家建议安静地进食, 专注于你的饮食方式和饮食, 没有电视或书籍等分心. 事实上, 即使是过度活跃的对话者的存在也是不可取的. 在他们看来, “mindfulness” when eating food accelerates saturation. 我们倾向于同意他们的观点!
你应该很清楚,没有不必要的澄清: 你将无法彻底咀嚼食物. 但是: 缺乏额外的身体运动有助于更好地吸收食物. There are no benefits of breakfast “on foot”. (But after eating a stomach does not prevent you from shaking it with a walk – it will benefit the digestion).
为了健康并摆脱多余的卡路里, 你必须同样结合勤奋和流动性. 一切都有它的时间和地点!
冬天是, 也许, a piece of useless advice – most of the population of those countries where it is very cold in winter and it lasts a long time, has breakfast before dawn – but in the summer it is very handy: 阳光有助于使昼夜节律和新陈代谢正常化.
此外, 它有助于产生维生素 D, 缺少哪个, 根据伦敦大学学院进行的一项研究 (英国), 导致肥胖. 毕竟, it’s impossible to be a healthy person if you do not have enough sunlight in your life – literally and figuratively.
我们都听到了这个建议, 但只有少数人试图跟随它: 同时, not only the rate of metabolism depends on this 100ml of pure liquid, 还有早餐吃的食物量, 显着地: 尽可能 20%! 除了胃肠道器官的正常运作, 水为身体提供活力. 所以更容易醒来并开始练习日常事务.
如果在前夜你决定 去约会 with some beauty and you know that you’ll be back late at night or if you’re one of those for whom “the morning is not good forever”, 不要用早上做饭来折磨自己: 从晚上开始做早餐. 至少部分: 煎鸡蛋, 当然, 早上不能吃, 但是煮鸡蛋和燕麦粥很容易等你! And this will not only save your time but also prevents you from eating more than intended. 借助早餐的初步规划, 您可以制作有用的菜单,同时锻炼您的意志!
如果你的减肥意图很坚定, 每天早上带着微笑坐在桌边的愿望是伟大的, 不要忽视我们的建议. Many people in the pursuit of spiritual balance and beautiful figures are ready to perform titanic feats (很少导致目标, 很遗憾), 但我们说一切都简单得多: eat your breakfast in the right way and be happy!
拍摄者 Julian Jagtenberg 最好等到做出所谓的诊断后再听从医疗保健专家的建议 像素