心臟疾病或心髒病是影響心臟的正常運作的心臟疾病的任何. 心臟疾病…
感冒是輕微的病毒感染在寒冷的天氣像冬天人們得到; it affects the nose and respiratory…
傳染病是可以從一個載波容易地傳輸到另一個的疾病. Infectious diseases are also known…
她關閉她的眼睛緊抱著她的頭,用雙手. She feels a pounding sensation in her temples…
Google is well known for its huge servers and capability to index huge volumes of data – and an autism…
“Our goal is to develop an affordable, 一劑治療瘧疾用單劑量快速起效綜合療法,” says R. Kiplin…
Our society is quick at blaming women when they remain married for a year or two without achieving any pregnancy.…
膽固醇在肝臟天然產生. 它是現成的在若干食物來源,如肉類, 蛋,…
奧克蘭大學的一位19歲的學生, 斯溫克錢德勒, 死在聖. Joseph Mercy Oakland hospital where he…
Researchers from the University of Colorado have developed a powdered measles vaccine that need only be inhaled to be effective.…
Glybera, 世界上第一個基因治療藥物進入了百日咳110萬€ ($1.4 百萬) 在德國銷售, and it…
超重是不一樣的肥胖, 雖然它僅有一步. Obesity is the accumulation…
什麼是電子香煙? 如果你一直在努力戒菸沒有成功, or need an alternative to…