Kolm põhjust kaisustamiseks & Kolm põhjust kaisustamiseks

kõrval Sam
Three Reasons to Cuddle

Are you still dealing with the bitter cold of winter? With uncertain February temperatures that can plunge below freezing on occasion, you may be reaching for hot cocoa, sweaters, scarves, and anything else to keep warm during these colder months.

Why not rely on cuddling to make you feel cozier? Getting tangled in the blankets and snuggling under a warm duvet with your spouse might help raise your body temperature and pulse rate. You might be surprised to hear that hugging has various health benefits in addition to the obvious benefits of warmth. Cuddling can improve your health and mood in a variety of ways, according to health experts.

What Are the Benefits of Cuddling?

Have you ever paid attention to how your body reacts to skin-to-skin contact? We all want to relieve stress and anxiety, and experts say hugging is a simple sedative that can help your body and mind relax. A simple human touch has numerous advantages. As you cuddle, your brain releases a number of hormones that boost pleasure and/or reduce stress:

  • Oxytocin, a “love” hormone linked to pleasure, aids in the consolidation of pleasant social memories.
  • Dopamine is a mood-boosting hormone that impacts pleasure experiences and plays a key role in reward-motivated behavior.
  • Hormones like oxytocin block cortisol, the stress hormone that causes anxiety and a decline in cognitive performance.

Human touch is recommended by many professionals as a strategy to alleviate depression and anxiety. Human touch has been revealed to be an important contributor to mother-child bonding in recent research – snuggling is good for all kinds of relationships, including lovers, parent-child interactions, and friendships.

nii, What Makes a Hug So Comforting?

A simple hug, like a snuggle session on the couch, can have beneficial health impacts. Hugging on a daily basis can assist your immune system in fighting diseases such as the common cold. The reason for this is that physical touch and social acceptance lower stress levels, allowing your immune system to work at full capacity. The following are some of the advantages of a warm embrace:

  • Strengthening social support – having stronger links in your relationships is beneficial to your mental and psychological well-being.
  • Affects emotions, behavior, and physiology in a good way.
  • Lowering your blood pressure is a healthy investment to do.

Never downplay the impact of a hug!

The Power of Pet Cuddling

What connection is more trustworthy than yours with your pet? Spot or Mr. Whiskers’ love is unconditional, and having them cuddled up by your side can make you feel safe. Cuddling is even excellent for your pet, according to scientific studies. Domesticated mammals require a few cuddles in order to:

  • Reduce your stress levels.
  • Strengthen your relationship with you (their human).
  • Reduce your chances of being depressed or having a stroke.

Consider sharing your bed with your pet; just take the necessary care to keep your bed clean and the pet-person dynamic healthy. To be honest, nothing beats a puppy kiss to get you out of bed in the morning.

Get Ready to Cuddle

When it comes to cuddling, there are a few things to consider:

  • Temperature – Your body temperature is different from your snuggling partner’s, so you may sleep hotter or cooler. Temperature is an important issue to consider when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep.
  • The size of the bed – a larger bed allows you to cuddle and then sleep separately as desired, which can provide for a more comfortable sleep.
  • Cuddling is fantastic as long as all persons involved are enthusiastic. So that no one feels suffocated or abandoned, talk about your preferences with your partner or family.

There are many joys in life that make us happy and comfortable. Human contact has the ability to heal a variety of ailments, so try it out whether it’s cold outside or you need to relax.

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