Skincare Vitamins, Supplements, and Antioxidants For Beauty

We all desire to remain youthful and younger-looking. We also strive to beat the aging process, or at least to age gracefully. Staying youthful and looking 20 years younger than your present age has to do with nothing but your skin. Your skin gives away your real age, and it speaks volume about your personality when you’ve never uttered a word. The battle to remain ever young and glowing is not a battle of the mind as it is of the skin – and that is why celebrities spend thousands of dollars on skincare products and cosmetic surgeries to remain ever young – because youthfulness sells, and it is a brand in itself.

It is wonderful to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight, and to quit smoking, or to even eat healthy diets and exercise regularly – but then proper attention must be paid to your skin in order to achieve the kind of youthfulness and glowing sheen you’re after. And this is where quality vitamins, supplements, skincare products, and antioxidants come into play:

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Vitamins C, E, and selenium

Proper skincare requires effective Vitamins C and E in association with selenium. These are effective ingredients that help against harmful sun rays and resultant skin cancers. Combined together, these ingredients also help against skin discolorations and skin wrinkles that come with aging. Furthermore, these contain effective antioxidants that strengthen your skin to repair itself and prevent serious damage to itself.

Apply coenzyme Q10 for skin restoration

The coenzyme Q10 is one of the most effective antioxidants that are found in the human body; the body shows signs of early aging when it is absent or diminished in the body. This natural antioxidant is effective against cancer, and when applied to the skin in sufficient quantities, it reduces the visibility of skin wrinkles and prevents dead skin cells.

Retinoic acid and alpha-lipoic acid

Although it usually comes in gels and creams, topically applying retinoic acid to your skin helps it to develop an elasticity that strengthens it up; and it also removes skin wrinkles and rough spots that are occasioned by advancing age. Retinoic acid is rich in Vitamin A and a common ingredient in most skincare products because of its anti-aging properties.

Alpha-lipoic acid has been proven to protect the skin from the harsh realities of the sun when applied topically through body creams and lotions.

Green tea and chocolate

It is expected that you’d like the sound of “chocolate”, well, who doesn’t? Chocolate or cocoa is known to contain a significant amount of flavonoids which are great antioxidants and work to protect your skin against the aging process. Consuming hot cocoa or chocolate that contain amounts of flavonoids have been proven to help against skin wrinkles and sun rashes.

Furthermore, green teas and green tea extracts have also been found to be helpful in protecting the skin through their antioxidant properties. So take more of green tea, while using green tea extracts in creams to experience a youthful skin.

Use Vitamin B to treat your skin

One of the major importances of Vitamin B is in its help for skin and body cells. It is great for rejuvenating body cells, and also believed to be useful for skin cells. You can derive rich Vitamin B eggs, chicken, fortified grain products, and other natural foods. Vitamin B will help you against dry and itchy skin, and it will also work to reduce wrinkles and skin damage.

General plant-based antioxidant extracts

Antioxidants are usually consumed in oral forms or applied topically through body lotions, and they are available in many plants and fruits.

Rosemary, soya-beans, grape seed extracts, lycopene in tomato extracts, pomegranate and many other plants or fruits are rich in antioxidants that help the skin against harmful sun rays in order to promote fresh and glowing skin.

Always ask your dermatologist before buying any body-cream or nutritional supplements that are touted to contain antioxidants and other anti-aging properties – and the reason for this is to ensure that your desired product has the correct amount of proven antioxidants in the correct forms.

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