Supreme Fitness Exercise For Patients Suffering From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Exercise

Arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis can be quite painful and debilitating; and while drugs and surgery can help, well-targeted fitness exercises can also be very great for treating the symptoms. Arthritis is simply an inflammation of the joints and is most common to women of advanced ages.

Here are simple do-at-home exercises that can help relieve you of arthritic pains:

Chair stand: This exercise helps you to build leg muscles. You sit in a chair and then perform a sit-and-rise motion for as long as your legs can manage. The more you perform sitting and standing from the chair the stronger your leg muscles get and the more relief you get from rheumatoid arthritis.

Yoga exercises: This is beneficial to people with tender and swollen joints, and helps deal with symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Combining deep breathing techniques with joint exercises, you enjoy better mobility and body movement that removes the pains of arthritis.

Walking: Walking is suitable for everyone with arthritis unless it becomes too painful to do again. Bear in mind that walking is both an aerobic and skeletal-strengthening activity. Try to walk for at least 30 minutes for up to five times a week for better results. Walking gives you endurance to arthritic pain and relieves the symptoms.

Pilates: Pilates is recommended for arthritic patients who desire stronger bones and muscles. This exercise gives support to your joints and tones your muscles, while also giving you the stability needed to support your frame and weight.

Water exercises: If you are an arthritis patient and suffer serious joint pains, then water workouts may be good for you. You can use an underwater treadmill for good results or even consider a water jogging belt. The water jogging belt may help you to achieve some suspension in water so that you don’t exert too much pressure on your painful ankles, knees, and hips.

Stretching: Stretching exercise is good for you but you may have to moderate it if you suffer excruciating pains with your arthritis. You may use a chair for your stretching needs and also use the necessary straps or even use the floor to make things easier for yourself.

Tai chi: Tai chi is suitable for patients who want only low-impact exercises, and the exercise is only carried out through slow and deliberate movements that ease pain from the joints and aid mobility. Since you don’t want to overdo things, performing tai chi for 30-40 minutes per day is okay to produce considerable results.

Weight lifting: Weight lifting is good but you must be careful to observe your limits and know when to stop during any regimen. Light hand weights can be used to curl and strengthen your biceps and fingers, and you can use dumbbells among other forms of weights to meet your own exercise needs.

Cycling: Cycling would be okay for any arthritic patient who desires to improve his mobility or reduce feet and ankle problems. You may use the bicycle outdoors or even use stationary bikes in the gym insofar you achieve better aerobic, cardiovascular, and physical benefits.

Elliptical training: Elliptical training is good for patients who want to improve body balance and build endurance. It is not recommended that you use an elliptical machine because of the stress, but you may use a simple elliptical object to achieve your purpose without further endangering your already frail health.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya from Pexels

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