Linea Nigra: Black Vertical Line on Women’s Tummy

Are you worried that as a woman you have a visible black vertical line running down your navel to your groin or pubis? Have you suddenly noticed that you have a visible black line as your pregnancy progresses? Then you have just witnessed the Linea Nigra, which is a Latin word for “black line”.

Linea nigra is most common and visible in black women than in white women, and it is also most visible during pregnancies than at other times. It is usually a black or brown streak that runs vertically in the midline of the stomach from the umbilicus or navel to the pubis or groin, but it does occasionally run to the top of the abdomen in some women.

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Black Vertical Line on Women’s Tummy

Although most women really don’t understand this phenomenon, there’s really nothing to worry about. It is a natural phenomenon in all women although it is visible in some women than in others and it is most observable in pregnant women or in dark-skinned women. The truth is that it soon disappears or diminishes when most women give birth.


What is the Cause of Linea Nigra?

Linea nigra is largely caused by the increase of a hormone produced by the placenta of new babies in pregnancy, and this hormone is known to stimulate the release of melanocyte. This hormone is also responsible for melasma and darkened nipples in some pregnant women. Overproduction of melanin, the skin-darkening hormone, is also known to play a part in linea nigra.

What Can You Do About Linea Nigra?

There is virtually nothing you can do about the visible dark line running from your belly-button to your pubis, or other facial discoloration and tan pigmentations. These all occur during the 23rd week or second trimester of pregnancy and soon fade away after giving birth – but you can still help yourself some bit if you’re so worried about your linea nigra.

–          Try to cover up your belly and keep the line away from view. You mustn’t also attempt to tan your skin anymore during this time, and use sun-screening agents or lotions to prevent further skin discoloration during pregnancy.

–          Eat well and take lots of folic acids; and do not forget your pregnancy supplements. Some medical experts believe that folic acid and insulin deficiency leads to skin pigmentation or discoloration, and whole-wheat food with green leafy veggies would do great to provide you with natural folic acids.

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