8 Major Health Tips to Help You Maximize Your Diet, Weight, and Lifestyle

These three factors determine how healthy you are or become – diet, weight, and lifestyle; so you will be doing your health a great disservice if you are careless about what/how you eat, your body mass index, and manner of life/living that reflects how you value things around you as they relate to yourself.

The following under-listed tips would prove very helpful in helping you maximize your health via your diet/nutrition, weight, and lifestyle:

1. Eat more raw food

Raw foods have nutritional values that are preserved in their natural organic state to do your body a lot of good. They contain natural vitamins, fiber, enzymes, and other nutrients that repair your body tissues and promote natural health. One thing with raw food like fruits and vegetables is that you do not need to cook them, thereby preserving their nutritional value. Raw foods do not make you fat or gain weight because they do not contain fat; and they contain only natural sugar that is never injurious unlike artificial sweeteners.

Image credit: Kari Sullivan

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2. Avoid over-eating at once

Do not overeat at any particular point in time. Do not eat two or three heavy meals per day; you should rather eat in very small quantities rather than eating a cooking pot’s worth of meal at once. Eat very little amounts of food several times a day, rather than eating as if you’re preparing to uproot one house from one street to the other. 🙂

3. Not all fats are bad

It is true that there are unsaturated and saturated fats, just as we have good and bad cholesterols. Or do you think the media hype makes all cholesterols bad? No, there are good cholesterols that promote our health. So avoid too much fat because the body does not digest them, they’re only stored; and use only heart-friendly oils, and then plant based fat food is better than animal fat and you must know this.

4. Eat only organic foods

Do not eat vegetables or fruits that were grown with chemicals, they are dangerous to the body because residue of the chemicals get transferred to the body and generate health risks. And avoid raw food treated with herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers; rather consume fruits nurtured with compost or animal manure.

Image credit: Jessica Spengler

5. Avoid fast foods and other junk foods

Buying and consuming French fries, pastas, pizzas, burgers, and other fried food from fast food joints are not good for your health and body; so either stop eating them or cut them down. Home-made meals are much healthier.

Image credit: Hungju Lu

6. Drink plenty of water

Yes, you need plenty of water to be alive and your body needs plenty of water to function. Drink water, then drink more water, and then drink more water again. It cleanses your body and supplies your organs and cells with life for maximum functions.

Image credit: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

7. Do physical exercises everyday

Develop an exercise regimen for physical exercises. Any physical activity that makes you sweat is good if you can sustain it regularly for 20-30 minutes every day.

Image credit: DVIDSHUB

8. Have a positive outlook to life

Yes, be happy. Be positive. Look at the bright side of life. Maintain a good relation with people. Develop a positive mental attitude. Rejoice always and just be happy, and you’ll see it benefiting your health in a good way.

Image credit: BK

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