Myths About Fitness Exercises For Aged People Debunked

by Sam
Myths About Fitness Exercises For Aged People

There are lots of myths flying around about the suitability of exercises for aged folks, and many of these exercise myths are nothing but laughable. People get to think that fitness exercises are only for athletes and sportsmen, but nothing can be farther from the truth. Regardless of the age or health condition of any aged individuals, fitness exercises are great and often a medical recommendation.

The following are 5 myths that people have come to create for themselves about exercising, and the following are the truths that medical and fitness specialists have provided for these wrong assertions:

Related: Everything You Need To Know About Exercises That Defy Old Age

What is the point of exercising when I’ll grow old anyway?

You must understand that you’re as young as you feel, and then fitness exercises make you feel healthier and younger. It is true that everyone will eventually grow old, but don’t you want to age gracefully or even delay the aging process if possible? This is what good exercises do for you regardless of your age – making you feel and carry on as if you’re 30 when you’re actually 70.

Exercise is tiring for me at my age, and I ought to save my strength.

What are you saving your strength for when it actually needs to be boosted on daily basis? It is true that you get tired more easily now than ever because of your advancing age, but that is why you must consult with a fitness expert to recommend the right kind of exercise suitable for you. You must take it easy and slow, you’re not going to the Olympics. At your age, exercises make you rely less on people for physical support and reduce doctor visits.

I’m sick and treating a medical condition, so I shouldn’t exercise.

Truth is that medications are necessary for all medical conditions, and so are fitness exercises. Sometimes drugs work better when you’re better exercised. Regular exercises lower the risks of diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, and obesity among others – which could be made worse with a sedentary lifestyle. So exercises can help you recover faster from your medical condition and aid your healing process.

I’m disabled and in a wheelchair. So exercises are off for me.

That is not true. You can be unfortunately chair-bound and still exercise, but only certain exercises will be suitable for you. For instance, you can use stretch, light arm weights, chair aerobics, and chair Tai Chi exercises to boost cardiovascular health and improve flexibility of bones and muscles.

I could experience injuries if I go on and exercise.

This is never true if you exercise under professional supervision or stick to fitness advice. Sports injuries do occur sometimes, but this is common to professional sportsmen who go to competitions and not too aged people who exercise at home at their own leisure and pace for fitness and health.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

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